Natural Solutions for BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when there is an imbalance in the vaginal bacteria. It's important to note that BV can sometimes occur without any obvious risk factors, so the exact cause is not entirely understood, but several factors can increase the risk of developing BV:

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How Calendula, Carrot Seed Oil & Tea Tree Heals Skin

This blog is all about healing the skin. We carefully choose ingredients that promote skin health long term. Being a plant-derived company allows us to invest in formulations that are sensitive skin friendly, but those that offer results. Our goal is that build regiments that promote relaxation, quality self-care and those that give your skim the very thing that it craves. In the season of Healing, here’s 3 Ingredients that help yoni and face skin heal naturally and beautifully.

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I'sha GainesComment
How to Build A Skincare Routine for all Skin Types

Building a skincare routine is essential for maintaining healthy and radiant skin! Because everyone's skin is different, it’s imperative that your skincare routine is a reflection of your skin type and lifestyle. Because your skin is alive, it will go through changes. Knowing how to change your routine, based on your skincare needs is the trick to understanding your skin.

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I'sha GainesComment
Benefits of Rose Water for the Skin

What are the benefits of Rose Water? Rose water is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidizing, anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic. All of these anti’s make rose water great for acne-prone skin, people with sensitive skin (including eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis) and for anti-aging. Rose water comes from the distillation of roses. Using heat and cooling, distillation produces a rose hydrosol that can be used for an assortment of skincare products. 

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Understanding Sensitive Skin in Feminine & Skincare

Sensitive skin is among one of many skin types. It’s often believed that sensitivity is experienced when certain products are used or one is having a skin reaction. Though this is often true, some persons naturally have sensitive skin meaning that it responds negatively to a wide range of skincare ingredients if they are not deliberately selected to fit the skin.

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The Incredible Benefits of an All-Natural Yoni Oil

Have you tried a variety of ways to improve your vaginal health? Like many women you might be frustrated or just out of suggestions in ways to try to bring about the change that is necessary. 

However, did you know that there is an oil that has been proven to not only improve vaginal health but to improve elasticity and boost antioxidant presence? 

This oil is referred to as the Yoni oil. It is an all natural oil that is well promoted by professionals. As we continue to discuss the nature of Yoni oil you will learn about its major benefits and how it can transform a woman’s vaginal health positively.

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5 Best Products for Feminine Odor | Aloe Curves

In the world of vagina and vulva, there’s more information circulating about stimulation and pleasure, than what ladies really need. I’m voting to include this one thing in the mix — a solution to feminine odor.

Now don’t worry, we’re not judging you, there are times when things aren’t so fresh down there. It’s not an easy fix, but with these 5 products, you can take the mystery out of why things may be going a little south and how to get things back to normal. Here are the 5 best “products” for feminine odor - one is free!

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3 Acids Your Vagina May Love! | Aloe Curves

When we hear the word ACID in the same sentence as vagina, it can cause panic in our minds and equate to thinking that acids down there means pain, irritation and simply danger for our lady parts . We’re here to demystify and tell you that there are three acids that your vagina may love….. And we are not kidding lol

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Essential Oils on Your Skin | Aloe Curves

Oil is a secret weapon for your skin. The misconception is that my face produces oil already so why do I need more? Well if you think about your skin, your sebaceous glands already produce oil naturally for beneficial reasons. The oil that our skin naturally produces serves to moisturize skin, lubricate the skin and keeps us from aging too fast. Skin comes in all types where some peoples glands produce more oil than others. This is why we believe in green beauty. Using plant-based feminine care and skincare products is a gentle way to give your skin what it needs.

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Face Mapping for Beginners | Aloe Curves

Our bodies have a wonderful way of telling us what it needs. Internal struggles will almost always debut themselves externally. It can come in the form of tension in your body, anxiousness, skin inflammation and acne! Did you know jawline acne can indicate stress and on your forehead could be centered around digestive issues.

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Confident Feminine Care Routine | Aloe Curves

Confidence can sometimes we hard if you don’t where it comes from or how to build it. Some women are naturally confident and others have to take notes. We are learning that confidence comes from positive experiences, like learning a new trade. The more you do it, the easier it becomes! We all have that special something that comes natural us and we want to encourage you to use that trait, talent or intelligence to create the life you want to see!

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Natural Yoni Care | Aloe Curves

We know it’s hard to resist, the feminine care market is fluttered with glitzy and glamorous things designed to make us feel like queens on the runway, but did you know many of those items have synthetic ingredients that are more irritating than satisfying. Even common soaps contain something called sodium lauryl sulfate that can irritate skin and dry..... you.... out. That’s why plant-based is best for your care down there. What you need is hydration not irritation. Try these three things next time you want powder your flower 🌸🌱🙂

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