3 Acids Your Vagina May Love! | Aloe Curves

When we hear the word ACID in the same sentence as vagina, it can cause panic in our minds and equate to thinking that acids down there means pain, irritation and simply danger for our lady parts . We’re here to demystify and tell you that there are three acids that your vagina likes very well. Those acids are Boric Acid, Lactic Acid and Salicylic Acid, here’s why you vagina would love them

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Balance with Boric Acid:

“A healthy vagina has a pH of approximately 4, thanks to lactic acid production by the normal vaginal flora. The naturally acidic vaginal pH reduces the growth of many pathogens, including some of those commonly associated with sexually transmitted diseases.

When the pH is disrupted by an infection or other vaginal health condition such as bacterial vaginosis, that can contribute to an overgrowth of unhealthy organisms. That's when boric acid suppositories may be able to help.”

Need more balance? Try our. Balance Her. Suppository kit

Article Reference: Very Well Health

Protect with Lactic Acid: 

Women are at greater risk of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and, in turn, problems with their reproductive health if their vagina doesn't have high amounts of lactic acid, according to a recent review published in the journal Research in Microbiology.

A healthy vagina needs to have certain types of the bacteria lactobacillus, which produce high levels of lactic acid. The study found this lactobacillus make the vagina acidic, which is important in helping to prevent a condition known as bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Need more bacteria lactobacillus go for yogurt and/or probiotics 

Article reference: 

Vanish + Fade Gel Seum (Breakouts + Even Skintone)
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Heal with Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is a BHA that not only helps with acne, but helps reduce inflammation! It’s well-known for reducing acne by exfoliating the skin and keeping pores clear. Salicylic acid works best for mild acne (blackheads and whiteheads). This acid can also help prevent future breakouts and only a little is needed for a small area. Salicylic is a star ingredient for in-grown hairs and inflamed intimate skin! Mix our Sass In-Grown Hair Serum and Vanish + Fade Gel Serum topically for intimate skin!