5 Best Products for Feminine Odor | Aloe Curves
In the world of vagina and vulva, there’s more information circulating about stimulation and pleasure, than what ladies really need. I’m voting to include this one thing in the mix — a solution to feminine odor.
Now don’t worry, we’re not judging you, there are times when things aren’t so fresh down there. It’s not an easy fix, but with these 5 products, you can take the mystery out of why things may be going a little south and how to get things back to normal. Here are the 5 best “products” for feminine odor - one is free!
How to get rid of vaginal odor
Time to go Natural and use Natural Feminine Care
Sulfates: Going natural with your feminine care may be scary, but natural feminine care give you the best chance against feminine odor. The great thing about the best products for feminine odor is that they should not have sulfates. Sulfates commonly found in soap, strip the vagina of its natural oils leaving it susceptible to dryness and bacteria. Sulfates can also be irritating to your intimate skin. The most common one is Sodium Lauryl Sulfates (SLS).
Ingredients: Natural feminine care products not only have less ingredients, but many of the ingredients should not only be vagina-friendly, but the products should be formulated properly which means using the ingredients at the correct usage rate according to their individualized safety data sheet (SDS). Unfortunately many companies don’t value product integrity, so be sure to research company values and research every single ingredient in your natural feminine care.
Side Plug: This is why we love our founder, as a holistic esthetician she prides herself on knowing her ingredients in spa and out of spa. She does not sacrifice quality. The icing on the cake is making sure your natural feminine care products are ph-balanced.
Ph Balance: PH matters if the products has water and liquids inside. A product properly formulated for vaginal ph should be between 4.5 and 5.5. The bottle should say ph-balanced somewhere on the bottle or it should be listed online like how it’s listed for our Gentle Gel Feminine Wash
2. Use Your Hands, Not Towels
In short, towels can be house bacteria. Think about it, you use a towel to clean your intimate skin daily. If you’re using the same towel for an extended period of time build up can occur. It can be build up that is not naturally visible to the naked eye. So don’t risk it. Clean your hands thoroughly and use your hands to clean. Additionally the vagina skin is sensitive so using harsh materials down there is something you can definitely skip.
Use hands, not towels
3. Use Boric Acid for Feminine Odor
Boric acid is a white powder derived from the sea that naturally acts as a strong antiviral and anti-fungal agent in the body. Research suggests that boric acid restricts the growth of yeast and interferes with the yeast’s natural life cycle so that it doesn’t become infectious. Boric acid is a lite acid that can restore the acidity back into the vagina. The vagina must remain slightly acidic to be considered in good health. Boric acid is a natural supplement and vegan alternative to popular kits on the market.
Boric acid should not be used more than 600mg daily, so be sure to adhere to usage guidelines.
4. Use a Yoni Oil with Tea Tree Oil
A yoni oil is an oil that can be a healing and moisturizing herbal blend for your vulva and vagina. Oils can be made with blends that penetrate layers of the skin and protect the skin. The best oil blends for managing odor are those that contain anti-fungal and anti-bacterial essential oils. Our favorite oil for vaginal wellness is Tea Tree oil. Tea Tree oil can be used on your intimate skin at the correct usage rate and has to be paired with a carrier oil or it can burn the skin. Tea Tree oil can keep bad bacteria out which can cause vaginal odor. Our Solace Feminine Oil is a great mix of oils that heal and protect with only 5% Tea Tree oil. This yoni oil will cool, soothe and shouldn’t burn.
5. Avoid Perfumes and Dyes in your Natural Feminine Care Products
We can’t say it enough, use a cleanser that’s fragrance free! Cleansers with too many added ingredients can irritate the skin and throw off your PH. There are so many herbal hydrosols like rose water, chamomile and lavender waters that can add a natural scent without adding anything artificial to your cleanser. If the label says added fragrance or fragrance, there may be something synthetic in your cleanser that can throw off your PH. Perfumes, dyes and added fragrances are a no-no and not necessary when cleaning your intimate skin. We personally love rose water because it’s reduces inflammation, is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Rose water reduces redness and is soothing to your intimate skin.
Remember just because a product is natural, doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for your skin. We love that AloeCurves products was created by a woman with sensitive skin. Our founder formulated products with premium herbs, carrier oils and essential oils that can added to your routine in very simple steps. The AloeCurves line is free of sulfates, synthetic fragrances or animal products. They are simple, vegan and effective because you deserve better.
…..and just to get you started, try a wash for free and let us know what you think!