Coping Through Anxiety

We talked with LaKeisha Grant owner of Mindfully Restored Counseling. LaKeisha provides therapy to women, age 17+, to help them overcome these and other issues. By creating and holding space for women during the difficult times of their lives, it is my hope that through facing their vulnerabilities these women will find their strength and voice and their way to living a mindfully restored life.

We talked with LaKeisha Grant owner of Mindfully Restored Counseling. LaKeisha provides therapy to women, age 17+, to help them overcome these and other issues. By creating and holding space for women during the difficult times of their lives, it is my hope that through facing their vulnerabilities these women will find their strength and voice and their way to living a mindfully restored life. Many of us have had a moment where we just didn’t know what to do with our emotions. The world is spinning and we are clueless about the next move. We try and think our way through it, but it sometimes seems hopeless. Did you know there’s a free alternative that can help you process your emotions? What LaKeshia Grant owner of Mindfully Restored Counseling is teaching us is that we need coping strategies and not just one of them, we need several. LaKeshia defines coping strategies as what you do in the moment to distract you from what’s happening. “I love coping strategies,” LaKeshia said. “They are necessary. Think of a toolbox. Have more than strategy cause you have more than one stressor. Write down the things you deal with that cause you the most anxiety and have a coping strategy for each. You should have your go-to and a back up. Whether it's a support person, code word, or stepping outside. LaKeshia makes note that coping strategies can be negative and positive. She advises that leaning on negative coping will create more problems whereas positive strategies may be more beneficial. “Negative coping doesn’t work because it creates another problem,” LaKeshia said. “It has an effect on your original problem. Instead of making irrational decisions, it’s suggested to process and work through it.”Although it doesn’t feel good. No one wants to have a panic attack or experience anxiety, but it’s imperative that that excessive energy has somewhere to go, LaKeshia said. And here’s some of LaKeshia's favorite coping strategies to help you release and get through it: