Scalp + Self Care with Canviiy Scalp Products

When you look good, you feel good! Canviiy scalp products allows you to have clean scalp and confidence in knowing that your roots are getting the clean that they need. We’re learning about how having good quality products that work your confidence is boosted. We also want you to see less of that not-so-sexy flaky stuff. The founder of Canviiy, Sherrel Sampson knows that so many people experience itchy scalp at some point in their lives. Whether due to hygiene or genetics, you could have sensitive scalp or scalp that’s been exposed to harsh chemicals and/or weather conditions. She’s a great believer that if you’re provided with the right tools, then healthy scalp and growth is possible. The thing we love most about Canviiy is their involvement with Moffitt, which is one of the leading centers in Cancer research. Canviiy is able to help address and soothe the side effects of cancer treatments and provide relief for itchy scalp sufferers on a large scale! We’d like to introduce you to the Queen of Scalp!

Q: What are encouraging things you'd say to clients depressed about their hair/appearance? 

As a black woman, I understand the importance of a good hair day, but whether our hair or in our being too often we focus on appearance and not on actual health. For 2020, let's all make time for HEALTH in all parts of our life. Let's dedicate time in our lives where we focus on us, a time to recharge. In terms of hair, let dedicate time for scalp and hair health. In the end we have to be healthy, to be happy, to be blissful. 

Q: What kind of impact do you think not having proper hair tools affects how we show up in the world? 

I am a firm believer of "Right Tool, Right Job, Right Results". Too often in hair care we have been sold products full of synthetics that give us the appearance of shiny, healthy hair only later for us to suffer from breakage and other damage. I believe that botanical blends (Right Tool) can deliver scalp health (Right Job) which naturally leads to beautiful hair (Right Result).

Q: How does Canviiy provide the tools people need to care for their hair? 

The whole mission with Canviiy is to create natural-based products that soothe, nourish and protect what's on the outside, so consumers can feel luxurious confident and beautiful on the inside. Through our affiliation with Moffitt, one of the leading centers in Cancer research, we felt that being shown effective in soothing/addressing the side effects of cancer treatments set a healthy standard for addressing normal dry, itchy, sensitive or irritated scalp.

Q: What are three ways using green beauty can boost self-esteem?

I think using green beauty helps us celebrate our beauty while liberating us from long term worry. 

  1. Our organic based products are: Free of sulfates, paraben, phthalates 

  2. Boost Self Esteem by: Free of worry from negative health side effects these chemicals have been linked to.

  3. Use a premium botanical blend; including Aloe Vera, Lavender, & Peppermint    Boost Self-Esteem by: Ingredients that have proven to not only be effective physically, but also offer calming effects emotionally.

  4. Moffitt researched and affiliated                                                                         

  5. Scientifically proven to be long-lasting and effective 

Q: What are the things you tell yourself to be encouraged on the daily? 

Every morning I tell myself to "Make it Happen." I have to be the change that I want to be in the world and model the change that I want to see in the world. I think this attitude helps me to concentrate my energy to proactively envision and tackle the steps to delivering my end goal. And having this clear plan allows me to identify places where I should rest and recharge before tackling the next set of challenges. I want our next generation to see that it is about "Making it Happen" but also make sure that we do it in a healthy way.

Q: What are some affirmations women can tell themselves about appearance?

Some of my favorite affirmations are: When I look in the mirror, I see a beautiful black woman staring back

·   I am beautiful in mind, body and spirit

·   I choose to laugh and enjoy life because it's what truly makes me beautiful

·  I am grateful for how beautiful I am 

·  Beauty starts in your head, not in your mirror

·   My hair shines with vibrance and radiance just like me